Ames in Seattle

Friday, September 22, 2006

Okay, so does that make three?

So, here's what's been happening with me.

1. I still don't have my furniture or any of the stuff that was to come with the movers. It's a long story, but the moving company is trying to pull a fast one on me. And I ain't standing for it. The turnip truck blew this popstand a long time ago. I currently have my Aero bed (which I bought to "tide me over for a week or two"), two bar stools which the previous tenant left behind and the two dressers and one shelf unit I bought when I got here. Best part is, I have guests coming into town this weekend! Thank god I have a strict sense of humor requirement when selecting my friends.

2. Twice, TWICE I've gone to meet my installation person from Comcast cable, only to arrive and find out they'd already been to my house and left. I was really, really angry about this, but it turns out it doesn't really matter because

3. My brand new TV made a weird zapping noise Wednesday night and the picture died. And a weird burning electrical smell was wafting out of the back. Yeah, way to go, my BestBuy friends. Is this the kind of product I can count on from you and your boys in bright blue? Is it?

4. I got a flat tire on Saturday while on my way to have four new tires put on my car. In case you were wondering, you can just call AAA and join right over the phone, even when you've already got a flat tire. Costs you 20 bucks, but it's better than trying to find someone to change your tire in the parking lot under I-99, across from the tourists pouring off of cruise ships.

Good times.

I promise to post more photos of my excursions. Not of the onese mentioned above, but actually entertaining ones. I have quite a few good pics to share, just need to edit a few of the R rated ones, since this is a family show. Also planning on securing a few more action shots from Jenny Morgan and Doug Ranke's visit this weekend. Strapping on my drinking cleats!