Ames in Seattle

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

I forgot

Sometimes I forget that I am a grownup. I don't mean, "Oops! I forgot to pay my bills," or, "No one told me I have to wear pants!" I mean, I forget that I am completely free, beholden to (mostly) no one and can just do stuff and go places and not have to ask permission. Dumb!

When did I become such a homebody? Yeah, I've been nesting in my new pad (well, still unpacking, truth be told). Yeah I've been going back to visit my Momma and keeping up with her health (she's doing okay...not great, but okay). But jinkies! When did I stop exploring weirdo places and silly wastes of time? It's like I lopped a big part of my brain off and sealed it in some Tupperware™ for the winter. Double dumb.

So, now that spring is alllllllmost here (hurry,please) I'm popping the seal on that lid and tacking that shit back in there.

So, what's on tap? Here's the problem. Not a whole lot. I am going for my sixth year to the NCAA Wrestling Tournament in St. Louis mid-March (it's okay, everyone laughs). My sisters are threatening to FINALLY visit me (I'll believe it when I see it) the following weekend. The tulip festival that I always swear I'm going to go to and never do. Travels to crazy, sun-drenched lands that I always dream about and go to Minneapolis instead. I'm bored with how boring I am! Thank god Jenny and Jamie have actual tickets to come visit me in April. And then...BASEBALL BEGINS. I love Christmas, but screw that. Beginning of baseball season is the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.

So, this is war. Look out boring, I'm comin'. Fun gun loaded. I am going to do so much you're gonna freak out. And I'm gonna post the crap out of the photos, too! Yeah!

Just don't be surprised if it doesn't exactly happen with any sort of regularity. Cuz, like...I'm busy, okay?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forget sometimes that I still don't have homework. The nights that you come home from work and that's it... you don't have any work to do until tomorrow, it's been years since I've had homework but I'm still thankful I don't. Yay to being a grownup!

And Jarrard sisters if you're read this... I want to meet you so get out here!!

10:30 AM  

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