Ames in Seattle

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Gold medal sap

Okay, I admit it. I'm a freak about the Olympics. Crying at the opening ceremonies, through Phelps' eight (good lord, the boy is fast) and still weepy at the dumbest things. (The US woman who won gold in the discus? Really?!)

I searched and searched for a reason why, when it all came clear, thanks to my pal, Bob Costas. After the women's rowing 8's team (yeah, I watched it, so what?) won, he said the perfect thing. I'm paraphrasing here, but he said, the Olympics are filled with athletes who work and train for years completely out of the spotlight. They do what they do for the love of their sport, which only gets attention at the games . Those eight girls (and their coxswain...yeah, I said it) stood on that podium and sang the anthem together, as proud (or maybe prouder) than any other athletes I've seen. "Those are true Olympians," Costas said. Amen, brother.

I won't be all "words" on you, so don't worry.

One thing I have come to love about Seattle (not like it was hard) are the flowers here. I guess all the rain and the soil are super conducive to growing AMAZING flowers. I may have told some of you I found out they produce more tulips here than everyone but the Dutch. But some other pretty amazing flowers grow here, too. So what? So, that means, these are the bouquets a girl can get for TEN BUCKS at the various Farmer's Markets here, including the Pike Market. Here are a few of the greatest hits. The ones so pretty, I had to snap a photo.

This is one of the first ones I bought, as evidenced by my temporary housing in the background! So funny to remember what I thought about Seattle living there. I had to buy a new vase because all my "non-necessary" items were still back in MN. I think I bought it for like, 3 bucks, but you'll see it's in my next photo. It's the perfect size for these monster bouquets.

Aaaaand another one from right by my house at the West Seattle Farmer's Market.

Gotta go cry at the womens' beach volleyball matches. See ya later.


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