Ames in Seattle

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Well, I have been remiss in my blogging, to say the least. And it's been a great couple of months, lemme tell ya.

Spring is springin' all over the place in Seattle. Flowers blooming. Sun peeking through the rain FINALLY. Opening Day is tomorrow (well, technically Monday for my boys in the Twin Cities). And I have a boyfriend.

No. You didn't read that wrong. I, the Ames you know and love as perpetually single, has a special gentleman friend.

And, gross.

Sounds so much better when you're The Dude in The Big Lebowski calling someone your Special Lady Friend. You win again, Coen Brothers.
Anyway, his name is Adam. He lives in Oregon. We met online. He's younger than me. Same height as me. Red hair, green eyes. He's a chef. He's excruciatingly sweet and makes me laugh my head off. And it's really, really good. We see each other as often as our work schedules and life in general allow and always have a great time.

Here's the man in question, below.

And, fellas, take note: he sent me flowers this week at work.

I know, right?

So, that being said, everything else is pretty much great, too. Work is really busy and getting some very cool exposure to some big minds and projects here and I'm really digging it. Seattle is still great, even though I still haven't explored things they way I should have. But I'm chipping away at my list. Slowly, but I'm chipping.

Have also joined the Publicis softball team and our season begins in a few weeks. I'm sure it will never be as sweet as my beloved Diamonds, but a girl's gotta get her fix somehow.

My parents are coming out for a week in mid-April. We've got plans to possibly go to Vancouver, stopping by my cousin Ellie's on the way in Bellingham, WA and also to go to Safeco to watch my Twins mop the Sound with the Mariners. Will be a fun DAY GAME in an OUTDOOR PARK. Sometimes life is amazing.

That's about it. Think now I can relate to the hippies who always sing the praises of spring. But I still won't let you wear patchouli around me.