Ames in Seattle

Thursday, November 15, 2007

You think stuff happens in two months, try three!

Whew. Where did the fall go?

Oh yeah. It went to weeks of travel. And so much work I should own this place by now.

And it went to really sad news. My Dad died in September.

I know. The only word I can use is crazy. It makes you sad. It makes you lonely. It makes you really reflect on what you've got and what you're grateful for. Seems to be appropriate with Thanksgiving being next week.

I'm really grateful for the millions of things he taught me. For the easy laughter he had that I think he blessed me with, too. If you've never met my Dad, you've inevitably heard me talk about him. If you were fortunate enough to meet my Dad, you've got a good idea of just how broken my heart is. He was my first boyfriend, my first (and still) hero, and, I'm happy to say, later in life, one of my good friends.

All the other stuff seems so mundane, so silly and so unimportant. I know he wouldn't want any prattling on and on about how much he's missed or how sad we are without him, but I miss him and I'm sad. I'll just leave it at that.

My Mom seems to be doing well. She's traveled a little, but mostly likes just being home around her grandchildren. Who wouldn't feel better with those beauties around her? I know they help heal me when I'm home.

I shot three TV spots between September 30 and October 22 in NY and LA, respectively. Then have spent up until yesterday editing, mixing and finishing them. All three are for T-Mobile and your job is to figure out which three! The first is currently airing, so that should be an easy one.

Adam is great. He moved up here in mid-August (poor thing...timing wasn't exactly perfect) and I absolutely LOVE having him here. He's working at a great restaurant and really seems to like it. I think we're both itching for some new things to do, but we never seem to find time to do any of them. It's like I blinked and summer was over and I had to start making holiday plans. Weird.

So, I'll spare you more details and just show pictures. Wooo hooo!

From August when Jeff, Jeni, Adam and I went to a Saints game.

Me and Red field side with our new hats. Nerds.

The view from our first ferry ride in Seattle. Such a fun way to spend a couple hours. That blurry place is where I live.

One of the highlights of my two weeks in New York. Gotta appreciate their directness.

Here's what you get at Halloween when you date a chef. So cute it's scary!