It's Official
I have the cutest nieces and nephews.

[Liam (4 mos.) and his favorite cousin, Jane]
The photo above is merely Exhibit A of the Totally Cute and Kid-Filled Minneapolis Weekend that I arrived back in Seattle from on Monday night. I had the pleasure of meeting the newest addition to the clan, Mizz Ruby Leone Fadell, better known in Minneapolis as Lily's little sister and my goddaughter. She's a snuggly little sleepin' and eatin' machine and has the best thing of all — that new baby smell. More highlights of the weekend are below.
I had a fantastic time at home and was so very glad to see all my pals who made it out to Grumpy's on Saturday and other good friends in between. I didn't take nearly enough photos, but it was perfectly timed and the perfect duration, too.
Now it's back to my new reality of unpacking and trying to figure out why I have so much stuff, where all this stuff is going to go and how I get rid of the stuff I can't believe I paid to have moved out here. Either that or figure out how to build myself a new closet.

[Snoozin' Baby Ruby]

[Me and my good pal, Lily]