Ames in Seattle

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Any Major Dood Will Tell You

There's a group of six restaurants in Seattle which operate under the name of Chow Foods ( Each of their locations are designed for the neighborhood they're in and each of them has their own menu as well as their own specialties. The cool thing about these restaurants is they have their standard menu, which they serve up all the time. But then they have certain "theme" menus that they serve for a couple months at a time.

For example, at the Five Spot in Upper Queen Anne, they choose one of the 50 states and cook local dishes from there (last time I was there, it was Alabama). At Coastal Kitchen, where we were tonight, they were serving up food from their Sicilian menu. The food was fantastic, but we weren't there just to see the menu change over, it was also to take in the local artists' work that they hang proudly on the wall. All, of which, had a Sicilian theme.

It just so happens three of the pieces were done by two talented guys I work with, Randall Statler and Chris Stone.

This is Randall. Even though you can't tell it from this photo, he really isn't required to wear a helmet. He did two pieces. This one of Michael Corleone, which he made entirely out of photos of Vito Corleone.

And this one of Vito. Made out of bottlecaps.

Here is Chris' piece. Look! It's Jesus! The cool part on this is he's put lights in the middle, so that the sacred heart actually lights up. And the "God bless only Sicily" is made with nails. Pretty badass, no?

And, here is Chris. And Jesus again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.

4:35 PM  

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